ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Landslides pose significant threats to communities, particularly in densely populated areas with heightened vulnerability. This study explores the relationship between population density and landslide risks in the Langat Basin, Malaysia, a region characterized by steep slopes, frequent rainfall, and diverse human settlements. Using GIS-based spatial analysis, population density data and historical landslide records were integrated to identify high-risk zones. The findings reveal a substantial overlap between densely populated areas and landslide-prone regions, especially in the upstream areas of Hulu Langat. These results highlight the compounded risks communities face due to economic pressures, inadequate land-use planning, and limited infrastructure. This study underscores the importance of incorporating demographic factors into disaster mitigation strategies. Mapping population density against landslide susceptibility, it offers valuable insights for policymakers to prioritize high-risk areas, improve urban planning, and design targeted community resilience programs.
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