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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Assessing the Distribution and Accessibility of Emergency Services in the Langat Basin, Malaysia: A GIS-Based Evaluation of Infrastructure and Risk Factors

Nurakmar Hakim Jasni, Nuriah Abd Majid

Open access

Emergency services play a vital role in mitigating the impacts of disasters and safeguarding communities, particularly in regions prone to natural hazards such as landslides and floods. This study investigates the distribution and accessibility of emergency services in the Langat Basin, a geographically diverse region in Peninsular Malaysia characterized by urban-rural disparities. Utilizing Geographic Information Systems (GIS), the research evaluates the road networks, hydrological risks, spatial distribution of healthcare facilities, and educational institutions as evacuation centers to identify underserved areas and high-risk zones. The findings reveal significant accessibility disparities, with urban centers benefitting from well-connected road networks and a dense distribution of emergency facilities, while rural areas face challenges due to sparse infrastructure and proximity to landslide-prone zones. Buffer zone analysis highlights large portions of rural populations residing beyond the service range of critical facilities, emphasizing the urgent need for targeted interventions. Landslide risk assessments further underscore the compounded vulnerabilities of these communities. This study demonstrates the utility of GIS in visualizing service gaps and guiding data-driven decision-making for emergency service optimization. By integrating road and facility connectivity analyses with geological and hydrological risk assessments, actionable recommendations are provided to improve emergency preparedness and response capacity in the Langat Basin.

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