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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Theoretical Foundations and Methodological Frameworks for Visual Quality Assessment in Cultural Landscapes

Qin Wang, Noor Fazamimah Mohd Ariffin, Faziawati Abdul Aziz, Xinyi Zhang

Open access

Visual quality assessment is essential for interpreting and enhancing the aesthetic and historical value of landscapes. This research develops a thorough theoretical and methodological framework for assessing visual quality in cultural landscapes. The research, utilizing interdisciplinary views, finds four key determinants: (a) landscape features and composition, (b) visual perception and experience, (c) individual preferences and aesthetics, and (d) spatial demands and behaviors. These variables establish the basis for an in-depth inspection of cultural landscapes, highlighting the interaction among physical characteristics, perceptual mechanisms, and cultural contexts. This research enhances current frameworks by incorporating both objective and subjective elements, offering a refined explanation of the impact of aesthetic features on perceptions and choices. The study emphasizes the necessity of reconciling historical preservation with aesthetic improvement, suggesting solutions that harmonize conservation initiatives with visitor contentment. The findings enhance the development of practical tools for managing the visual aspects of cultural landscapes by resolving deficiencies in existing techniques. The suggested framework provides essential direction for policymakers, planners, and scholars committed to preserving the visual and cultural integrity of heritage places.

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