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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Exploring the Motives and Expectations of Chinese University Students as Short Video Internet Celebrities towards Collaboration with MCN Agencies

Zhaoyong Cao, Syed Agil Shekh Alsagoff, Norliana Hashim

Open access

This study explores the motives and expectations of Chinese university students who collaborate with Multi-Channel Networks (MCNs) as short video internet celebrities. Drawing on in-depth interviews with ten student influencers, this qualitative research reveals that students are motivated by professional growth, access to resources, increased visibility, and monetization opportunities. However, they also face challenges such as content control, revenue sharing transparency, and workload management. The findings highlight the need for clear communication and negotiation between influencers and MCNs to ensure equitable outcomes. This study contributes to the understanding of the dynamics between digital media, youth culture, and commercial interests, with implications for universities, MCNs, and policymakers.

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