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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Assessing Teachers' Readiness for Integrating Gamification in ESL Instruction Using Quizizz in Teaching Vocabulary Skills

Nur Sa'adah Nazar, Hanita Hanim Ismail

Open access

Despite the potential benefits of gamification in ESL education, challenges persist in its integration due to issues like technical difficulties and limited integration of gamification in lessons. There is limited understanding of teachers' perceptions and experiences with gamification tools, in particular Quizizz to teach vocabulary skills. This study investigates the integration of Quizizz in teaching vocabulary in Malaysian ESL classrooms, focusing on two research questions: (1) What are teachers' attitudes toward using Quizizz in teaching vocabulary? and (2) What are the perceived outcomes for students’ language learning? This qualitative study was designed, using semi-structured interviews with two ESL teachers selected through purposive sampling to answer these questions. The findings reveal that teachers view Quizizz as a highly engaging tool due to its interactive features, instant feedback, and gamified structure, which promote student motivation and active participation. Teachers also noted improvements in students’ vocabulary retention, confidence in communication, and ability to apply vocabulary in speaking and writing tasks. Challenges such as limited access to technology and internet connectivity were significant, but teachers mitigated these issues through strategies like offline quizzes and peer collaboration. Teachers expressed a desire for further platform enhancements, including real-time collaborative features, to foster teamwork and deepen learning outcomes. Overall, This study aims to bridge the research gap by providing insights into teachers' readiness, challenges, and strategies for integrating Quizizz in ESL vocabulary instruction, offering practical implications for enhancing gamified learning in diverse classroom settings.

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