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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Exploring the Effectiveness of Synectics Model on Creative Problem-Solving Skills in Industrial Design Course

Ong Ei Lin, Tan Wee Chuen

Open access

Researchers have stressed the need of creative problem solving in students at different levels for today’s rapidly changing world. Malaysia Higher Education Blueprint has emphasized that one of the higher education system outcomes on student aspiration is to thinking skills. Graduates who lacked creative problem solving are facing challenges such as difficulty in differentiations, solving complex problems, lacking innovative thinking a work. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of teaching and learning using Synectics model in identifying problems on user need in the initial stage of Industrial design process. ID-Sync model, where Synectics model integrated into Industrial design process was applied in the experiment. Mixed method sequential explanatory research was employed with 26 participants in one of the universities in Johor Bahru. Students who perceived ID-Sync model teaching and learning have a better understanding in identifying problems in the initial stage of Industrial design process. Results show that participants in experimental group who perceived higher scored in the initial stage, scored higher marks in the following processes as well as the total scores. Although the findings were unconvincing in the effectiveness of Synectics model in the application of teaching and learning in Industrial design process. However, the interview reflected that model should be implemented gradually from the beginning of the program.

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