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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Influence of Logo Shapes on Non Governmental Organization Branding: A Comprehensive Literature Review

Zhang Ting, Raja Ahmad Azmeer Raja Ahmad Effendi, Mohd Shahrizal Dolah, Mohd Kher Hussein, Azhari Md Hashim, Wang Tongxu

Open access

The number of global non-governmental organizations (NGOs) is growing yearly, increasing their competition for donations. A strong brand can attract donors and help organizations survive better. When competing for public funding and recruiting volunteers, branding has become critical. In branding, the logo's shape is one of the most important elements influencing stakeholder perception. This literature review focuses on the impact of logo shape on NGO branding, synthesizes current research and identifies the gaps in current research. The main objective is to explore how logo shapes (circles, squares, triangles) influence people's perceptions. And how logo shapes to enhance emotional engagement and trust among stakeholders. This study aims to construct a theoretical framework to advance the current understanding of NGO branding and to provide valuable insights into logo design.

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Ting, Z., Effendi, R. A. A. R. A., Dolah, M. S., Hussein, M. K., Hashim, A. M., & Tongxu, W. (2025). The Influence of Logo Shapes on Non Governmental Organization Branding: A Comprehensive Literature Review. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 15(2), 130–145.