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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Enhancing English Education through Translanguaging Practices: A Pedagogical Approach

Veronique Enduyan Langkau, Nur Ainil Sulaiman

Open access

Translanguaging, the practice of using multiple languages in the classroom to aid learning, has gained prominence as a transformative approach in multilingual education. This conceptual paper explores the potential of translanguaging practices to enhance English education. The primary objective is to examine how translanguaging can be integrated into pedagogical strategies to improve language proficiency, engagement, and inclusivity. Drawing on a comprehensive review of existing literature and theoretical perspectives, the paper proposes a framework for implementing translanguaging in English classrooms. Key arguments highlight the benefits of leveraging students' full linguistic repertoires to facilitate deeper understanding and communication. The paper concludes that translanguaging not only supports language development but also fosters a more inclusive and participatory learning environment. Implications for educators and policymakers are discussed, emphasizing the need for professional development and supportive policies.

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