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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Leadership of Big Data Analytics Implementation Project Success

Mossa Alkordi, Elaine Gregory

Open access

This quantitative predictive correlational study aimed to investigate the role of the transformational leadership dimensions in successfully implementing big data analytics (BDA) in data-driven business environments. The sample consists of 175 BDA implementation team members in United States. The project success model (PSM) was used to assess the success of BDA project implementation, and the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire MLQ (5X- short) was used to determine the perceived transformational leadership style dimensions of team members. The results showed that three transformational leadership dimensions of inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration had a significant and independent effect on the core constructs of the successful implementation of the BDA project. In contrast, idealized influence did not significantly contribute to BDA's successful implementation. Moreover, a further examination of individual transformational leadership dimensions showed that individualized consideration has a considerable impact on the core constructs of the BDA implementation success model when controlling for the other dimensions. These findings suggest that implementing data driven applications, BDA projects, may require a different approach to exert leadership excellence, and a comprehensive approach with consideration of the various dimensions of transformational leadership may be more effective in promoting acceptance and application of BDA technologies.

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