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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

From Value to Action: Exploring How Value Perception and Satisfaction Shape Behavioral Intentions in Folk Museum Tourism

Qin Li, Hanina Halimatusaadiah Hamsan, Jeffrey Lawrence D’ sliva A/L Alby, Wanying Dong, Xingjie Wang

Open access

From the demand perspective, tourists’ value perceptions of folk museum tourism and their behavioral intentions are pivotal for the sustainable and healthy development of the burgeoning folk culture tourism sector. These factors not only shape the growth of the industry but also play a crucial role in the preservation and dissemination of Chinese folk culture. This paper reports an empirical survey of 201 tourists, using a revised scale adapted from previous research. A structural equation model was developed to analyze the relationships among tourists’ value perception, satisfaction, and behavioral intention, focusing on visitors to folk museums and scenic spots. The results reveal: 1) value perception has a significant and direct positive effect on satisfaction; 2) satisfaction directly and positively influences behavioral intention; 3) value perception exerts a significant positive influence on behavioral intention, both directly and indirectly; and 4) satisfaction acts as a mediator between value perception and behavioral intention. These findings provide actionable insights for promoting folk museum tourism and advancing cultural heritage preservation.

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