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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Chinese MTI Students’ Self-Perceptions of the Status Quo of their Translator Competence and the Influential Factors

Xiaoyan He, Myoung Sook Kang

Open access

The rapid growth of Master of Translation and Interpreting (MTI) programs in China reflects the increasing demand for high-quality translation services across multiple sectors. However, recent studies indicate a concerning trend: a significant number of Chinese MTI graduates are reluctant to pursue full-time translation careers, citing perceived inadequacies in their translator competence relative to market demands. This study investigates Chinese MTI students’ self-perceptions of their current translator competence and explores the factors that influence the quality of Chinese MTI programs. By adopting a mixed-methods approach, this research combines quantitative data from surveys with qualitative insights from in-depth semi-structured interviews with MTI students from different universities in China. The findings reveal that MTI students’ self-perceptions of the sub-competences of their translator competence are at medium level. This study highlights the gap between academic training and industry expectations, underscoring the need for curriculum adjustments that emphasize practical competence development and real-world exposure. These insights contribute to a better understanding of the challenges facing MTI programs in China and offer recommendations to bridge the competence gap, thus improving the employability and market readiness of future translators.

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