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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Artificial Intelligence in Fashion Design Education: A Phenomenological Exploration of Certificate-Level Learning

Anum Bazilla Md Khairulanwar, Khairul Azhar Jamaluddin

Open access

Artificial intelligence (AI) has positive implications in improving the efficiency and innovation of fashion design, which has driven changes in the fashion industry, while also urging educational institutions to adapt. As an effort to introduce AI in education, a three days AI workshop in fashion design was implemented to a group student of Certificate of Fashion and Design (Sijil Fesyen dan Pakaian) program from Kolej Komuniti Jeli, Malaysia. This workshop provided exposure and skills on the functions of AI in the aspects of generating design ideas, design modifications, virtual modeling and fashion business applications. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the application of AI technology in learning fashion design undergone in the program of Certificate of Fashion and Design. The objectives of this study were (i) To address lecturer’s perceptions on the application of AI in fashion design, (ii) To study the impact of implementing AI in fashion design learning, and (iii) To identify obstacles that hinder application of AI in learning fashion design. This study used a descriptive phenomenological approach and interviewed three lectures from the program of Certificate of Fashion and Design. The interviews were conducted to obtain their views based on their experiences related to AI technology in fashion design learning. Based on the study, lecturers have exhibited a positive perception of AI adoption in fashion design. In terms of its impact on fashion design education, AI facilitates students in efficiently retrieving relevant information while also enhancing their comprehension of fashion concepts. However, this study identifies three primary challenges in integrating AI into fashion learning: technical constraints, value-related concerns, and resource limitations. The findings provide valuable insights for strategizing and improving the implementation of AI technology in fashion design education.

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