ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Leadership is an essential quality in a principal to ensure that excellence in schools can be achieved professionally. The role of a principal is a challenging task with various commitments and responsibilities that must be implemented in order to develop and strengthen educational systems and practices. In this context, the purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between Principal Instructional Leadership and the level of Teaching Effectiveness among secondary school teachers in the Papar district, Sabah. This study uses a quantitative research design, employing a modified Google Form questionnaire distributed randomly to schools in order to collect data. The respondents consisted of 110 secondary school teachers from the Papar district, Sabah. The research questionnaire instrument was modified from the Instructional Management Rating Scale (PIMRS) and organizational commitment (Allen & Meyer, 1997). The study data were analyzed with SPSS version 26 software to answer the research questions. The study findings showed that the instructional leadership of the principals of secondary schools in Papar district was at a very high level (mean=4.65; standard deviation=0.51). Meanwhile, the teaching efficacy of secondary school teachers in Papar district was at a very high level (mean=4.65; standard deviation=0.51). The study data also showed that the correlation coefficient value was p=0.263, p<0.01. This means that there is a moderate positive significant relationship between the principals' instructional leadership and teachers' teaching efficacy. The findings have implications for the policies, models, and practices of school leaders in underpinning their leadership practices.Therefore, this study can provide valuable information about the advantages of instructional leadership, as emphasized in the Malaysian Education Blueprint 2013-2025. The implications of this study can positively impact the resolution of issues related to principal leadership and school excellence. Furthermore, it can contribute to the creation of a new body of knowledge, which can serve as a pioneering research foundation for further studies on leadership in Malaysia.
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