Transformational leadership has been a significant subject of study in the context of educational organizations, especially in dealing with human resource issues. This theory emphasizes the important role of leaders in inspiring, motivating, and transforming followers to achieve common goals. This paper aims to assess the suitability of transformational leadership theory in dealing with resource issues in educational organizations. The results of the paper show that transformational leadership theory has a high suitability in dealing with resource issues in educational organizations. Analysis of two articles (1) Transformational Leadership of Principals in Comparison between Excellent Public and Private Secondary Schools, (2) Transformational Leadership of Headmasters and Level of Conflict Management among National School Teachers in the Kota Setar District, to gain a deeper understanding of how transformational leadership can be applied in the educational context. Data from the literature review and document analysis were critically analyzed to identify key elements of transformational leadership theory related to resource issues and human resource well-being.
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