ISSN: 2222-6990
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This conceptual paper explores the enhancement of collaborative learning in Online Flexible Distance Learning Higher Education Institutions (OFDLHEI) in Malaysia and Indonesia. With the rapid growth of online education, these institutions face unique challenges, such as limited integration of collaborative learning strategies, technological constraints, and students' diverse cultural backgrounds. This paper examines key factors that influence collaborative learning, including interactions with peers, social presence, social media usage, and tutor engagement, while emphasising the mediating role of learning self-efficacy. The proposed framework addresses barriers to meaningful collaboration in virtual environments by providing strategies to foster a supportive learning community, enhance intercultural competence, and improve students' problem-solving skills. The insights from this paper have significant implications for educators, institutional leaders, and policymakers, guiding the development of pedagogical approaches and support systems that align with the evolving needs of online learners. Ultimately, this conceptual exploration seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of effective collaborative learning in OFDLHEI, thereby enhancing educational outcomes and preparing students for the demands of the digital workforce.
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