This study investigates high school teachers' perceptions of virtual formative assessments in the Kingdom of Bahrain, focusing on their advantages, challenges, and implications for educational practices. Using a quantitative research design, data were collected from 370 high school teachers through a standardized questionnaire. The findings highlight significant advantages of virtual formative assessments, including their ability to provide immediate feedback, enhance personalized learning, promote student engagement, and support data-driven instructional planning. Teachers also recognized the role of virtual assessments in fostering inclusivity and aligning with modern pedagogical practices. However, the study also identifies several challenges that hinder the effective implementation of virtual formative assessments. Key barriers include technical issues, limited access to devices, insufficient teacher training, and concerns about academic integrity. Teachers reported difficulties in managing student engagement, adapting traditional assessment methods to virtual platforms, and integrating virtual tools with existing curricula. These challenges underscore the need for systemic interventions to optimize the use of virtual formative assessments in high school education. The study concludes with recommendations for addressing these challenges, such as investing in reliable infrastructure, providing comprehensive teacher training programs, and adopting strategies to promote ethical use and engagement.
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