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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Motivational Factors that Contribute to ESL and MFL Learning among Diploma Students

Siti Faridah Kamarrudin, Hie-Ling Ting

Open access

Learning a target language such as ESL and MFL will require a high level of motivation but what is the main factor that will motivate students to study the target language? This quantitative research aimed to identify the motivational factor which encouraged the students to pursue their learning in ESL or MFL. The three factors studied are the language itself, the learner, and the learning situation. Data were collected using an online survey involving 331 respondents from several higher education institutions in Malaysia. The data collected from the survey were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results showed that the language itself has become the strongest factor that motivates the students to learn ESL and MFL because the students justified that the knowledge in these languages will assist them for getting a job. In addition, results revealed that from the learner factor, the students genuinely interested to learn ESL and MFL themselves. This study also found that from the learning situation factor, there is a slight discrepancy between ESL and MFL. For ESL, the students stated that they enjoy meeting and listening to people who speak English while for MFL, they regarded the whole learning experience is enjoyable. Results produced from this study contributed in terms of the aspects that needs to be given more attention to such as the learner factor and learning situation factor as these factors can be improved in order to enhance language learning motivation in pursuing ESL and MFL.

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