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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Reality of the Life of Filipino Refugee Community Settlement Scheme, Sabahin the Aspects of Education and Health Care Services: An Analysis from the Perspective of Maqasid Syariah

Siti Fatimah Az-zahraa M. Rasid Rida, Mohd Nur Hidayat Hasbollah Hajimin

Open access

The absence of a distinct legal framework for refugee management makes Malaysia's refugee management system, particularly in Sabah, unsystematic and inadequate. Hence, lacking assurance of human rights, leaves refugees with limited access to education and healthcare. Although Malaysia is not a signatory to the 1951 Refugee Convention or the 1967 Protocol, education and healthcare remain crucial for human subsistence. As a result, this study examines the real-life situation of Filipino refugees in the Refugee Community Settlement Scheme (SPMP) concerning their access to education and healthcare services, while discussing these issues from the perspective of Maqasid Syariah. The study focuses on whether the education and healthcare services refugees received align with the five fundamental needs (dharuriyyah) defined by the Maqasid Syariah framework. This qualitative research incorporates both literature and field research, analyzed using ATLAS.ti software. The findings indicate that the education and healthcare services provided to Filipino refugees in Sabah do not fully meet the five fundamental dharuriyyah needs outlined by the Maqasid Syariah framework. This research aims to serve as a reference for policy development concerning refugee education and healthcare services.

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