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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Empowering SME Firm Performance: The Mediating Role of Emotional Intelligence in Job Satisfaction

Mohamad Mokhtar Ibrahim, Piaralal S.K., Nur Amalina Zulkefli, Arokiasamy L.

Open access

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are key economic growth, innovation, and competitiveness drivers. This study investigates the mediating role of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in the relationship between job satisfaction and firm performance among SMEs in Malaysia. This research explores various dimensions of job satisfaction, including work environment, salary and benefits, personal development, organizational infrastructure, leadership, working hours and work-life balance, to determine their impact on EQ and firm performance. EQ, encompassing emotional regulation and interpersonal effectiveness, is posited as a critical determinant of firm success. This study aims to develop actionable insights for enhancing SME competitiveness through EQ-driven strategies by addressing research gaps in understanding EQ’s role in SMEs. By adopting a quantitative approach, this study will employ a survey-based methodology of management-level employees across Malaysian SMEs. Data will be analysed through PLS-SEM to evaluate the hypothesised relationships. The findings aim to provide actionable insights for SME owners, policymakers, and researchers by highlighting EQ as a strategic tool for improving firm performance and fostering sustainable growth. Ultimately, this research provides a comprehensive framework for leveraging EQ as a competitive advantage, contributing to theoretical understanding and practical applications in SME management and policy formulation.

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