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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Enhancing Early Education with Artificial Intelligence: A Comparative Study of AI-Powered Learning Versus Traditional Methods

Wah Kok Cha, Paridah Daud

Open access

This research explores the impact of AI-powered learning tools on early childhood education compared to traditional teaching methods. The proliferation of AI technologies has introduced tools capable of automatically customizing learning experiences to meet individual learners’ needs. This has the potential to revolutionize early education by facilitating personalized assistance and enhancing engagement. The study evaluates the efficacy, engagement, and achievement levels of AI-powered learning environments against conventional approaches. Adopting a mixed-methods research design, both quantitative and qualitative data were collected through surveys, interviews, and observations involving 120 respondents in various categories such as teachers, parents, and students from various early education centers. Findings reveal that AI-based tools significantly improve early literacy and numeracy while offering tailored learning experiences. However, challenges such as over-reliance on technology by educators and concerns about inadequate socio-emotional development in AI-only classes were noted. The study recommends integrating AI tools with traditional teaching methods to balance technological benefits with the social and emotional aspects of face-to-face learning. This research contributes to the growing body of knowledge in educational technology, highlighting the potential and limitations of AI in early childhood education and advocating for a blended approach to optimizing learning outcomes.

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