ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The Business Pitching Competition, jointly organized by Batu Lanchang Vocational College and Junior Chamber International Bayan, and sponsored by Inpat (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. and KCA Global (M) Sdn. Bhd., was designed to cultivate entrepreneurial skills among vocational students. By bringing together local businesses, NGOs, and educational institutions, this initiative aimed to bridge the gap between vocational education and industry expectations. Vocational students often face challenges in gaining practical entrepreneurial experience and industry exposure, hindering their readiness for real-world business endeavors. The competition sought to enhance entrepreneurial competencies, foster community engagement, and encourage innovation among vocational students. With participation from 296 students representing 25 vocational colleges across 13 Malaysian states, participants developed and presented business ideas to a panel of industry leaders and business experts who provided mentorship and constructive feedback. The competition significantly improved students’ business planning, communication, and critical thinking skills, with some business ideas demonstrating potential for real-world application. This initiative reinforced the importance of industry-academia collaboration, creating a supportive ecosystem for youth entrepreneurship. It also underscored the value of community engagement in vocational education. The findings suggest that similar competitions can serve as effective models for integrating practical entrepreneurial education into vocational training, benefiting both students and the wider community.
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