ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Purpose—This paper analyses the empirical evidence of good governance principles (transparency, accountability, and responsiveness) influencing the performance of federal land management in the context of land procurement processes, revenue generation, and holding costs for idle lands. Previous studies on land management have concentrated on implementing good governance principles and assessing good governance. Design/methodology/approach – A survey was used to obtain responses from 250 respondents from various management levels of the Federal Lands Commissioner’s Office of Malaysia. The data obtained was analysed using SmartPLS software based on path coefficients to support the hypotheses anchored on Land Administration Theory and good governance principles. Findings—The findings show significant transparency, accountability, and responsiveness influences through organisational openness, information sharing, and communication projected in the actions, behaviour, and internal auditing mechanisms implored and practised by the Federal Lands Commissioner’s office. This organisational culture that permeates through the leadership shapes the ethical responsibilities shown in their obligations in developing policies and procedures in federal land management. From the regulators' perspective, these good governance principles significantly influence the performance of federal land management services. Originality/value: The findings provide empirical evidence to support the narrative of good governance principles improving the performance of federal land management by depicting which principle influences significantly. Moreover, these findings further enrich the Land Administration Theory by incorporating good governance principles into its framework.
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