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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Analyzing the Role of Lean Management (5S) in Driving Sustainability and Efficiency in Malaysian Manufacturing Organizations

Koh Wen Xuan, Mohd Zulfabli Hasan, Teh Zaharah Yaacob, Hanini Ilyana Che Hashim

Open access

The manufacturing industry drives economic growth and societal progress, making sustainability crucial. To ensure effective implementation, it is vital to develop metrics for accurately evaluating and managing sustainability performance in manufacturing firms. The 5S methodology, rooted in the principles of lean management, is a widely adopted tool for improving workplace efficiency, safety, and sustainability. It provides a structured approach to workplace organization and waste reduction. This paper will explore the relationship between Lean management (5S) and overall sustainability, as well as its impact on sustainability outcomes. Additionally, the study will examine employee involvement as a moderating factor affecting the relationship between 5S and sustainability outcomes. Through this analysis, the research aims to provide insights into the role of 5S in promoting sustainable practices within the manufacturing industry. This study will also equip top management with a framework for aligning lean initiatives with corporate sustainability strategies, ensuring a more cohesive and long-term approach. A quantitative research method will be employed, selecting employees from manufacturing organizations in Malaysia as respondents. A set of questionnaires will be distributed to 346 respondents, and PLS-SEM will be used to analyse the data. The expected outcome is to enhance productivity, reduce waste, promote sustainability and align practices with global standards such as ISO14001 and SDGs.

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