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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Influence of Cultural Identity on Malaysian Users' Loyalty to Chinese Novel Websites: The Mediating Role of Reader Satisfaction

Zhang Min, Fauziah Sh Ahmad

Open access

With the global development of Chinese webnovel, cultural identity plays an increasingly important role in the formation of user loyalty. This study takes Malaysian users as the research object, explores the impact mechanism of cultural identity on user loyalty of Chinese Webnovel sites, and examines the mediating role of reader satisfaction. The study adopted a questionnaire survey method, collected 298 valid samples from Malaysia, and used structural equation modeling for data analysis. The research results show that cultural identity has a significant positive impact on user loyalty, and reader satisfaction plays a partial mediating role between cultural identity and user loyalty. This study not only enriches the theory of user loyalty in a cross-cultural context but also provides practical guidance for the overseas localization operation of webnovel platforms.

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