ISSN: 2222-6990
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Women entrepreneurs are transforming industries and driving innovation, yet many still face challenges in achieving sustained business success. By employing Regulatory Focus Theory (RFT) and Human Capital Theory (HCT), this study explores the determinant factors of entrepreneurial success among women, specifically commitment, entrepreneurial attitude orientation (EAO), and socio-cultural characteristics (education and prior experience). This research will focus on the moderating role of performance-based culture (PBC) in shaping these relationships. A cross-sectional survey design is employed, collecting data from registered women entrepreneurs through structured questionnaires. Data analysis will be conducted using SPSS and PLS-SEM. The findings are expected to demonstrate that commitment and EAO will enhance entrepreneurial success, while PBC is a crucial moderator in strengthening these effects. Furthermore, the study aims to assess entrepreneurial success based on education levels and prior business experience, providing deeper insights into the role of socio-cultural characteristics. This study contributes to the growing knowledge of women’s entrepreneurship by integrating psychological and socio-cultural factors with organisational culture. The insights gained will be valuable for policymakers, business development agencies, and women entrepreneurs in formulating strategies to enhance business performance, sustainability, and economic growth.
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