ISSN: 2222-6990
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In the contemporary business landscape marked by "consumer power," value co-creation has emerged as a critical and innovative strategic concept. This paradigm shift challenges the traditional view of unilateral value creation by enterprises, positing instead that value is co-created through the interactive processes between enterprises and customers. Previous research on value co-creation primarily focuses on the consumer perspective, examining its concepts, causes, and consequences. However, there is a growing recognition that analyzing value co-creation solely from the consumer's side is insufficient. It is imperative to explore the production side's effects on value co-creation. Current academic research lacks sufficient examination of the internal mechanisms and functioning of value co-creation from the enterprise perspective. Following the "Structure-Conduct-Performance (S-C-P)" theoretical framework, this study analyzes the impact of value co-creation on tourism enterprise’s performance and its underlying mechanisms. The proposed framework not only lays the groundwork for further empirical research but also promotes the development of value co-creation in travel service enterprises, enhancing their core competitiveness.
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