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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Effects of Interventions Based on Achievement Goal Theory for Individuals' Physical Activity: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Zhongliang Xu, Samsudin Shamsulariffin, Yaacob Azhar

Open access

Purpose: Motivation plays a crucial role in determining whether an individual engages in or withdraws from physical activity (PA). Achievement goal theory is an important framework for understanding motivation. Therefore, this systematic review aims to analyze the effects of an intervention based on achievement goal theory on an individual's PA. Method: A comprehensive search of seven electronic databases was conducted to identify studies of randomized, cluster-randomized controlled trials (RCTs and C-RCTs) or quasi-randomized controlled trials (Q-RCTs) examining the effects of interventions based on achievement goal theory on individual PA. This systematic evaluation is registered in PROSPERO. Results: Ten studies (2001-2021) were included in this review. The primary outcome was PA, and the secondary outcome was the achievement goals. Meta-analyses showed a nonsignificant effect for PA (g = 0.182, 95% CI = -0.094, 0.457). Narrative results showed a positive effect of the intervention on individuals' achievement goals. Conclusion: Meta-analyses suggest that interventions based on achievement goal theory may be ineffective in increasing individuals' PA levels.

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