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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Unveiling Direct Influence on Collaborative Research among Academicians in Online Open Flexible Distance Learning Higher Education Institutions

Zahir Osman, Noral Hidayah Alwi, Bibi Nabi Ahmad Khan, Huong-An Thi Nguyen

Open access

This study investigates the critical factors influencing collaborative research among academicians within open flexible distance learning (OFDL) higher education institutions, emphasizing the roles of attitude, organizational support, and self-efficacy. Collaborative research is pivotal in these settings, enhancing resource utilization, innovation, and sharing of expertise across geographical distances. The study aims to delineate how organizational culture, perceived benefits, and self-efficacy impact collaborative research, with attitude as a mediating variable. Data was collected using structured surveys distributed via email, targeting academicians involved in OFDL institutions. Out of the 507 surveys distributed, 383 responses were deemed suitable for analysis, yielding a response rate of 78.4%. The analysis employed Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) to evaluate the data and test the proposed hypotheses. Hypotheses testing results revealed that attitude, organizational support, and self-efficacy significantly enhance collaborative research, whereas organizational culture and perceived benefits showed no substantial impact. These findings suggest that interventions should bolster positive attitudes, provide robust institutional support, and foster self-efficacy among academicians to drive collaborative efforts. The study suggests further exploration of organizational culture and perceived benefits across varied contexts and employing qualitative methods to gain deeper insights into the experiences of academicians. Longitudinal studies could also be beneficial in understanding the evolution of these influences over time. The implications of this study stress the importance of tailored strategies within OFDL institutions to promote effective collaboration. Enhancing institutional support structures and developing programs that build self-efficacy and positive attitudes are crucial steps toward achieving more impactful collaborative research outcomes.

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