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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Factors Influencing Impulse Buying Behaviour during Online Shopping among Youngsters Consumers, Klang Valley, Malaysia

Lim Han Yee, Nurhafizah Zainal

Open access

The increasing popularity of online shopping platforms has revolutionized consumer behaviour, specifically in the context of impulse buying. This study investigates the factors influencing impulse buying behavior during online shopping through Shopee platform, focusing among young consumers in the Klang Valley, Malaysia. There are four factors investigate in this study namely psychological, social, marketing, and situational. Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) is used as underpinning theory in this study. By exploring the drivers and motivations behind impulsive purchases, this study aims to provide valuable insights for businesses and marketers in understanding and effectively catering to the impulsive buying tendencies of this specific consumer segment. Based on the data analysis, this study finds out psychological factor is the most significantly contributing factor towards impulse buying behaviour on Shopee platform among youngsters in Klang Valley, Malaysia.

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