ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Education of the Al-Quran and Al-Sunnah (PQS) is an elective subject in Islamic Studies offered to upper secondary students in preparation for the Malaysian Certificate of Education (SPM) at Religious Secondary Schools (SMKA), Religious Stream Classes (KAA), and State Religious Secondary Schools (SMA). On 2023, more than 24,000 students in Malaysia took the PQS subject examination to obtain their SPM certificates. An important focus of PQS is to provide students with comprehensive knowledge and understanding of Islam. As a result, it focuses on key aspects of Quranic and Sunnah study, such as Quranic Studies, Hadith Studies, Islamic Creed, and Ethics. A primary objective of this subject is to provide students with an understanding of Islam and internalization of its teachings based on the Quran and the Sunnah, as well as fostering their spirit of perpetual effort to grasp and master various disciplines, whether they relate to the hereafter or the world. However, to ensure its ability to instill pure values effectively, quality and standards must be maintained within the content presented through its textbooks. Accordingly, this research seeks to identify the authority of the 85 ahadith contained in the PQS textbooks for fourth and fifth grades. In order to achieve the research objectives, two methodologies are being used, namely content analysis and comparison. Upon analyzing the hadiths, the researcher found that 70 of them are accepted, or 82%, while 15 were rejected, which represents 18%. In addition, 11 out of 15 rejected hadiths had meanings that were correlated with verses from the Quran and authentic hadiths; the remaining 4 did not have any support from the Quran or authentic hadiths.
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