ISSN: 2222-6990
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Dance competitions, including Dancesport (international standard dance), involve subjective evaluations, and the competition outcome depends on the referee's (judge's) judgment. Visual information extraction in the judging process is a fundamental psychological component. This study focuses on the decision-making process of Dancesport judges, examining behavioral indicators such as reaction time and accuracy rate, as well as eye movement indicators like saccade distance and eye movement trajectory, across judges of different experience levels. The aim is to conduct a comprehensive study on the cognitive processing involved in Dancesport judging and to analyze and summarize the characteristics of mental processing in judges at various levels.The study investigates eye movement characteristics and judgment cognition in Dancesport judges, involving 45 participants divided into three groups: 15 experts (national/international-level judges with over 5 years of experience), 15 intermediates (national-level judges with over 2 years of experience), and 15 novices (sports dance students with over 2 years of training but no judging experience). Data collection methods included a literature review, expert interviews, and eye movement tracking using a Tobii Pro eye tracker with SPSS 17.0 for statistical analysis. Participants evaluated 22 images under varying task difficulties (time-constrained with auditory interference and relaxed with silent conditions) to assess their judgment accuracy, saccadic distance, fixation patterns, and decision-making efficiency. The study reveals significant performance and visual processing strategies differences among dancesport judges of varying expertise. Expert judges demonstrated faster, more accurate decision-making, efficient visual processing, and precise focus on critical technical points. However, novices exhibited slower responses, lower accuracy, and disorganized gaze patterns, especially under high-pressure conditions. Intermediate judges showed some improvements over novices but lacked the precision and efficiency of experts, emphasizing the importance of experience and training in developing effective visual strategies and cognitive resilience.
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