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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Relationship of Politics and Innovation through Job Embeddedness: Moderating Role of Inclusive Leadership

Salman Ali Khan, Teh Zaharah, Ungku Norulkamar Bt Ungku Ahmad

Open access

Purpose – Based on the conservation of resources theory, the current study intends to investigate the mediating role of organizational job embeddedness (OJE) in the relationship between the perception of organizational politics (POP) and innovative work behavior (IWB) as well as the moderating role of inclusive leadership (IL) between the perception of organizational politics and organizational job embeddedness. Design/methodology/approach – Using a time-lagged, multi-source quantitative data collection method, 258 valid self-reported and supervisor-reported dyads were collected from diverse sectors in Pakistan. Data were analysed using SPSS-29 and PROCESS macro. Findings – The results indicate that OJE mediates the negative relationship of POP with IWB. Moreover, IL is found to moderate the relationship between POP and OJE. The study also reveals that IL and OJE jointly demonstrate a moderated mediation role between POP and IWB. Originality/value – This study is the first to explore OJE as a mediator in the relationship between POP and IWB. Additionally, by examining the moderating role of IL, the study provides deeper insights into the dynamics between POP and IWB.

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