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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Implementing Business Project Portal in Business Management Program: A Case Study in Vocational Colleges, Malaysia

Zi Jian Oh, Mustapa Hj Kamar, Marina Rahman, Siti Khadijah Ahmad Ramli, Syaiffuldin Mohamad, Hwei Chin Chin

Open access

Business Project is a required course for students of Diploma in Business Management, offered in vocational colleges, Malaysia, during their fourth semester. It is a capstone course that integrates all students’ acquired skills and the body of knowledge of the discipline, and students will be evaluated in continuous formative and summative forms. However, students are observed to have struggled to complete their assignments which comprise a business plan, reports, and a presentation. Lacking creative ideas for the assignments has been a major hindrance to their efforts. Therefore, the "Business Project Portal" is designed to be a repository for the course. The platform will house related materials pertaining to teaching and learning of the course with the intention to assist students, as well as teachers. The repository will act as a point of reference for them so that students will be able to obtain some ideas in preparing for their assignments, and teachers will also be able to improvise their strategies in delivering the lesson up to the learning outcome standard. The introduction of the portal is an initial effort for the Business Management program in consolidating necessary materials in one digital repository so that some of the best practices are shared among the colleges. Using the survey method for 39 vocational colleges, the "Business Project Portal" has garnered a trustworthy platform from students to be used as classroom materials. The portal is viewed as fantastic, simple to comprehend, user-friendly, and with quick accessibility, it serves as instructional materials. The feedback has also indicated that students appreciate a sample website, a training video made by a professional industry trainer, and samples of authentic previous students’ assignments. The potential of the "Business Project Portal" would be further expanded with the involvement of potential partners like the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) Sdn Bhd and the Small and Medium Enterprises Association of Malaysia (SAMENTA).

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Oh, Z. J., Kamar, M. H., Rahman, M., Ramli, S. K. A., Mohamad, S., & Chin, H. C. (2025). Implementing Business Project Portal in Business Management Program: A Case Study in Vocational Colleges, Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 15(2), 818–831.