ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study investigated the effectiveness of cooperative learning in improving the sight-reading ability of piano beginners and their attitudes towards group piano teaching. This study used a questionnaire consisting of 20 items, which were divided into three dimensions: ability, autonomy, and relevance. Specifically, the ability (5 items) focuses on students' perceptual ability and achievement in piano sight reading; Autonomy (4 items) tests students' freedom to decide on learning progress and task selection; Relatedness (11 items) evaluates students' interactions and relationships in group learning environments. This study was conducted among approximately 220 non piano major students at Guangdong Education University. Data collection includes pre-test and post-test questionnaires, as well as a visual reading test as a post-test to measure students' performance. Reliability and validity analyses were conducted to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of the questionnaire. The research findings aim to provide insights into the applicability and effectiveness of collaborative learning strategies for piano beginners, filling a key gap in existing research. By exploring students' motivation, learning attitude, and performance in piano collective classes, this study aims to contribute to the development of more effective teaching methods in music education. This study helps to understand the role of cooperative learning in music education, especially in improving the sight reading ability of piano beginners and cultivating a positive attitude towards group teaching.
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