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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Critical Thinking in English Language Teaching in China: Definition, Dimensions, and Pedagogical Implications

Jing Liu, Ahmad Johari Bin Sihes

Open access

Critical thinking, recognized as one of the essential 21st-century skills, has gained significant attention in global education, especially within the context of English language teaching. It not only enhances students’ language proficiency but also cultivates their ability to analyze, reason, and solve problems, thereby preparing them to navigate an increasingly complex and interconnected world. This review aims to explore the definition, dimensions, and pedagogical strategies of critical thinking in English language teaching in China. The study identified three core dimensions of critical thinking in English language teaching: cognitive skills, affective dispositions, and cultural factors. Furthermore, effective course design, teaching methods, and assessment approaches are pivotal in fostering these critical thinking skills. Despite challenges including the overwhelming emphasis on exams, cultural attitudes toward authority, insufficient teacher training, large class sizes, and varying levels of language proficiency, there are four directions for future research and practice. These include fostering interdisciplinary collaboration between language departments and other academic fields, reforming the curriculum to prioritize higher-order cognitive skills, enhancing teacher training programs, and leveraging technology to support the development of critical thinking in English language teaching. Thus, this study offers valuable theoretical insights for English teachers, school administrators, and policymakers, guiding them in advancing critical thinking in English language education in China.

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