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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Innovative Approaches to Cultural Identity Preservation: The Rural Culture Development Model for Huangpu District, Guangzhou

Yuhua Yuan, Mohd Johari Mohd Yusof, Azmiah Abd Ghafar, Chan Fatt Cheah

Open access

This study examines the preservation of cultural identity in Huangpu District, Guang-zhou, amidst rapid urbanisation. It highlights the district's rich cultural heritage, including traditional Lingnan-style architecture, festivals, and folk arts. The proposed Rural Culture Development Model (RCDM) aims to balance cultural preservation with modernisation through a multi-faceted approach. The study gathers comprehensive data on cultural practices and stakeholder perspectives using a mixed-methods approach. Social cognitive theory is employed to understand the transmission and preservation of cultural values. Key findings emphasise the importance of community involvement, government policies, and economic integration in sustaining cultural heritage. Challenges such as urban encroachment, talent drain, and resource limitations are identified. The RCDM addresses these challenges by promoting cultural innovation, leveraging economic synergy, and empowering local communities. The study concludes that the RCDM can serve as a blueprint for other regions facing similar challenges, ensuring the sustainable preservation of rural culture across China.

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