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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Unlocking Self-Esteem: A Conceptual Exploration of Technological Proficiency and its Effects

Zhu Wenjie, Nurul Hidayu Mat Jusoh, Ribka Alan, Malisah Latip, Juniza Binti Md Saad

Open access

This study examines the impact of Technological Proficiency on the self-esteem of older adults, utilizing a quantitative, cross-sectional research design. The research investigates how varying levels of technological proficiency influence psychological well-being, with a particular focus on self-efficacy, social participation, and independence. Drawing on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and related theories, the study hypothesizes that higher Technological Proficiency positively affects self-esteem by enhancing these psychological factors. Conversely, a lack of familiarity with technology may exacerbate feelings of inadequacy and social isolation, leading to reduced self-esteem. Data are collected from a stratified random sample of adults aged 60 and above, using validated measures of Technological Proficiency and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES). Statistical analyses, including structural equation modeling (SEM), are conducted to examine the relationships between variables. The findings contribute to the fields of management, psychology, and gerontology by offering insights into how technological proficiency supports the psychological well-being of older adults. Practical implications include the development of targeted technology training and community education programs to enhance the digital skills and self-esteem of this demographic. However, the study acknowledges limitations such as its cross-sectional design and reliance on self-reported data, suggesting the need for future longitudinal research to further explore these relationships.

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