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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Imam al-Ghazali’s Concept of Masalih Mursalah in Informal Talaq Ta‘liq: A Critical Study of Selected Selangor Syariah Court Cases

Liana Ab Latif, Hidayatul Sakinah Mohd Zulkifli

Open access

The issue of informal talaq ta’liq occurs when a husband states specific conditions towards his wife which imply performing or refraining from certain actions. Thus, this study explains the concept and discussion of the theory of masalih mursalah according to Imam al-Ghazali, aiming to apply it to women who are disadvantaged due to the verbal declaration of informal talaq ta’liq. The study also clarifies the concept of talaq ta’liq, as practised in Malaysia, referring to several cases from Syariah Court in Selangor. This study is a qualitative research methods. Data for this research was collected using descriptive methods and content analysis from books on usul fiqh, Islamic family law manuals, court case surveys, and previous studies, including articles, journals, and theses related to this topic. The data collected were analyzed using Atlas.ti version 9 software to examine the correlation between theory and the issue of informal talaq ta’liq, producing findings aligned with the study's objectives. The findings indicate that the theory of masalih mursalah from Imam al-Ghazali is seen as relevant in the issue of informal talaq ta’liq. It is hoped that this study will improve the management of issues surrounding informal talaq ta’liq for both husbands and wives, fostering synergy in maintaining marital relationships.

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