ISSN: 2222-6990
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Technostress – a symptom of stress brought on by the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) – has become more common within educational contexts and is affecting English language instructors who rely heavily on technology. Although technostress has been extensively studied in a variety of professional settings, little is known about how it affects English language instructors in Malaysia. This study examined the relationship between the five dimensions of technostress and Malaysian English instructors’ job performance. Through convenience sampling, 60 English instructors from different Malaysian educational institutions were recruited and participated in an online survey. Data was gathered quantitatively and analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The findings revealed that respondents maintained excellent job performance despite moderate to high levels of techno-invasion and techno-uncertainty. It was notable that low techno-insecurity and techno-complexity indicated successful use of technology. These findings have significant implications for educational stakeholders, highlighting the need for improved technical support systems, structured policies for technological implementation, and focused professional development initiatives that address specific dimensions of technostress while maintaining the effectiveness of English language instructions.
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