ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study presents a bibliometric analysis of Authentic Leadership Research (ALR) publications in Scopus from 1979 to 2024. 961 articles were analyzed using BiblioMagika, Open Refine, Biblioshiny, and R packages to examine publication trends, authorship patterns, institutional contributions, international collaborations, and citation impact. The findings reveal a steady increase in ALR research, predominantly led by US-based scholars, with a strong focus on business management and accounting. However, studies on ALR in education and the public sector remain limited. Leading Western universities, particularly in the United States, have played a key role in shaping ALR scholarship and offering opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration. The study underscores the need for further research on ALR in diverse organizational and cultural contexts, particularly in educational contexts. Future research should explore ALR’s role in educational systems outside the Western context, its impact on teacher effectiveness, and its intersection with other leadership frameworks.
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