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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Corporate Reputation and Employee Behavior: A Theoretical Review of Key Perspectives and Research Insights

Tahira Khalis, Bahyah Binti Abdul Halim, Asif Sanaullah, Muhammaad Hammad

Open access

This study explores the critical role of corporate reputation as a strategic resource in shaping organizational success. It examines the relationship between corporate reputation and various employee outcomes, including organizational commitment, employee performance, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), employee engagement, and turnover intention (TOI). Drawing on theoretical frameworks such as Social Identity Theory (SIT), Signaling Theory, Resource base view (RBV), Agency Theory and Stakeholder Theory, the study highlights how corporate reputation influences employee perceptions and behaviors. Previous research insights reveal that a strong organizational reputation enhances employee loyalty, commitment, and performance while reducing turnover intentions. Furthermore, the study underscores that corporate reputation fosters OCB and employee engagement, serving as a competitive advantage in talent retention and organizational sustainability. This research emphasizes the multidimensional impact of corporate reputation on employees, providing insights into its pivotal role in maintaining a motivated, high-performing workforce. The study contributes to the growing literature by offering research insights from the existing literature on CR to scholars and organizations seeking to leverage their reputation to achieve long-term success in competitive markets.

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