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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Shaping of Youths` Body Image by Social Media: The Interplay between Virtual and Real Self-Identity

Wuman Hong, Nor Shafrin Ahmad

Open access

In nowadays' digitalized society, social media has become an important part of young people's lives, profoundly affecting their self-perception, identity, etc., among which, body image have become one of the highly concerned fields. Through social platforms, youths are not only exposed to a wide range of social expectations, but also continue to shape their own body image through comparison, interaction, and feedback. However, there may be a significant discrepancy between the virtual self in social media and the real self, and the impact of this disparity on youths' body image has yet to be fully explored. Therefore, exploring how social media shapes adolescents' body image, particularly the interplay between the virtual self and the real self, is crucial for understanding how youths navigate body image pressures in the information society. This exploration can also provide insights for psychological health interventions and educational strategies. In this study, the results suggest that social media puts greater pressure on individuals to conform to idealized body standards, and that discrepancies between the virtual and real selves often lead to cognitive biases and affect mood and self-perceptions. In addition, the evaluations of others on social media play an important role in shaping self-identity. Although three participants did not report receiving negative social media influence, the results of the study highlight the role of the media in promoting a single aesthetic standard and the negative impact of social media evaluations on mood, as well as the limited ways in which individuals' adopt coping styles. Future research should aim to help young people develop healthier social media relationships, explore potentially positive aspects of social media use, and develop and evaluate interventions aimed at promoting positive body image.

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