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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Evolution of Chatbot Technology in Banking: A Systematic Review and Bibliometric Perspective

Lu Tong, T. Ramayah, Jiangping Li

Open access

As artificial intelligence becomes more integrated into banking, chatbots have emerged as a crucial tool for enhancing customer interactions, streamlining operations, and improving the delivery of financial services. Despite prior research exploring many aspects, the existing literature remains fragmented across disciplines. This study expands on previous research by employing systematic and bibliometric methods to identify key trends, thematic areas, and research pathways in the deployment of chatbots in banking. By synthesizing technological, managerial, and client perspectives, it provides a comprehensive understanding of chatbot implementation in financial services. Moreover, it highlights emerging trends and inadequately explored areas, offering valuable insights for future research and financial innovations. From the co-citation references, co-occurrence, keyword clusters in maps, affiliations and major countries analysis, it can provide research foci and infer future research agenda. This paper gathers articles from Web of Science database with a rigorous selection process. Scientific Procedures and Rationales for Systematic Literature Reviews (SPAR-4-SLR) protocol is adopted for analyzing literature comprehensively. There are 60 articles retained for further investigation. Furthermore, advanced analytical tools are used for bibliographic purposes, particularly VOSviewer and SCImago Graphica. The study shows that authors from India conducted the most prominent researches related to chatbots in banking industry, while few researches focusing on this topic within developed countries respectively. Fewer publications are from natural science and more articles are in social sciences. The authors request more empirical studies from developed nations. This review only limits within Web of Science dataset, future researches can expand to other database for investigations. Future study may investigate chatbot uses banking divisions to facilitate sustained sectoral advancement. The study contributes for academics as well as the practitioners in banking industry to better understand the trends and hotpots for chatbot utilization for long-term development of the sector.

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