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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Disintegration and Transformation of the “Secrecy System”: Exploration of the Live Webcast Education of Chinese Ceramic Cultural Heritage

Jia Jing, Roslina Ismail

Open access

At present, education around the world is undergoing profound changes. After the traditional master-apprentice system and college education, the Chinese ceramic cultural heritage has been further promoted by the trend of the Internet to give birth to a new online live broadcast education method.This study explores the content of the process content of the webcast output of Chinese ceramic cultural heritage and the existence of the “secrecy system”.This study collected data using web observation and questionnaires, and analysed the data through coding, induction and descriptive methods.The results of the study show that the webcast mainly disseminates knowledge of ceramic cultural heritage to the public quickly and effectively through two types of “business” and “sharing”, while “presence” and “interaction” deepen the interpretation of heritage knowledge.Under the impact of the information society, the masters have gradually abandoned their conservative educational attitudes, transformed into accepting information technology and actively sharing heritage knowledge, thereby contributing to the sustainable development of cultural heritage.The research results have implications for practitioners, lovers of ceramic art and the cultural heritage industry.

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Jing, J., & Ismail, R. (2025). The Disintegration and Transformation of the “Secrecy System”: Exploration of the Live Webcast Education of Chinese Ceramic Cultural Heritage. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 15(3), 380–397.