ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The Ahmadiah Tariqa is one of the Sufi orders that has significantly contributed to the development of Sufi thought in Malaysia. This study examines the historical emergence and development of the Ahmadiah Tariqa, particularly its influence on intellectual discourse and spiritual practices among Muslims in Malaysia. Employing a qualitative approach through textual analysis and field research, this study analyzes how the teachings and methodologies of this tariqa have shaped the concepts of tazkiyah al-nafs (purification of the soul), ma‘rifah (spiritual knowledge), and the guru-disciple relationship within the local Sufi milieu. Additionally, the study assesses the role of institutions and key figures in the dissemination and consolidation of Ahmadiah teachings in Malaysia. The findings reveal that this tariqa has not only played a role in individual spiritual development but has also contributed to intellectual advancements in Sufism, including debates on the relationship between shari‘ah and haqiqah. The implications of this study indicate that the Ahmadiah Tariqa has significantly influenced the practice of Sufism in Malaysia, both on a personal level and within broader Islamic institutions.
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