ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
This study explores the impact of contemporary human resource (HR) practices—specifically, Green Human Resource Management (GHRM), High-Performance Human Resource (HPHR), and High-Commitment Human Resource (HCHR) practices—on employee job performance (EJP). Additionally, it examines the mediating role of innovative work behavior (IWB) in the relationship between HR practices and EJP. Grounded in established theories and an extensive review of relevant literature, this study develops a comprehensive conceptual framework and proposes testable hypotheses. By synthesizing existing research, the study extends theoretical discourse on HR practices and employee job performance, particularly in the banking sector. The findings offer critical insights into how human resource practices influence EJP, thereby informing managerial strategies aimed at enhancing employee engagement and organizational effectiveness. This study provides a valuable foundation for future empirical research, contributing to both academic scholarship and practical applications in HR and organizational management.
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