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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

References as Cohesive Features of Problem Statement Section in Doctoral Dissertations English Studies in Malaysian University

Nasreen Bhatti, Ilyana Binti Jalaluddin, Vahid Nimehchisalem, Hui Geng

Open access

One of the most critical sections in a doctoral dissertation is a Problem Statement (henceforth PS). As emphasized this is where most assessors start when trying to comprehend and evaluate the merits of any research study. The PS can then be considered as the basic part of a research study, which may lead to a valuable or, conversely, worthless piece of writing. This type of writing forms a coherent section of the information structured to preserve consistency with the topic and the logical links between the items. A growing body of studies suggests that exploring how certain cohesive devices are employed in a text to create unity provides information that will help L2 students improve cohesion in their writing as they play an essential role in cohesion by organizing and elucidating the relationships of the ideas within the context. One of the cohesive devices that researchers emphasize is references, arguing that ineffective use of referents may weaken a text’s cohesion and coherence. This study aims to investigate references and their different types as cohesive devices and their role in the cohesion of PS writing. For this purpose, the current study used 60 doctoral dissertation Problem Statements published during 2010-2022 from English discipline via Hallidayan Systemic Functional Grammar (Halliday, 1994; Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004). For this purpose, this study employed the discourse analysis method, using a descriptive interpretive approach. TagAnt 2.0.5 software application was used to examine the occurrences and frequency of references in the PSs of doctoral dissertations. Overall, the results suggest that in the present work, the demonstrative references were dominant among the types of references. The definite article ‘the’ is greater than the frequency of the other references altogether. Regarding the role of ‘the’, the findings indicate that PS writers depend heavily on it to achieve cohesion in their writing. Regarding the Personal references that are used in the corpus of the present study, the findings reported that (they, theirs) have been used for cohesion in the PS more than other references in making citations to other studies. Whereas, there was no instance of comparative references found in the corpus of study. In addition, the findings of the present research have implications for PS writers and supervisors to produce cohesive PS. Writers need to be aware of how the references specifically the definite article and the employment of comparative features in their PS writing as cohesive devices contribute to the development of their PS texts.

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Bhatti, N., Jalaluddin, I. B., Nimehchisalem, V., & Geng, H. (2025). References as Cohesive Features of Problem Statement Section in Doctoral Dissertations English Studies in Malaysian University. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 15(2), 1679–1695.