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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Unveiling the Dynamics of Psychological Capital in the JD-R Theory: A Systematic Review of Moderation and Mediation Effects

Xiaoyan Ye, Maslina Binti Mohammed Shaed, Noor Alyani Binti Nor Azazi

Open access

This study examines psychological capital's role within the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) theory, specifically as a moderating and mediating factor. Psychological capital, representing positive psychological states, has been linked to job satisfaction and employee well-being, yet its potential mediation and moderation roles within JD-R have received limited systematic investigation. This review followed PRISMA guidelines, focusing on quantitative, peer-reviewed articles published between 2001 and June 2024 that explored psychological capital as a mediator or moderator in JD-R frameworks. Searches were conducted in Web of Science and Scopus, yielding 35 studies across diverse countries and industries, utilizing cross-sectional, longitudinal, and diary study designs. Quality appraisal via the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) tools classified most studies as "high" quality, though some had issues with sample criteria and confounding factors. Findings highlight psychological capital’s frequent role as a mediator, with variability in strength, direction, and statistical significance. Its role as a moderator appears diverse and complex, reflecting a nuanced impact across different contexts. Limitations include inconsistencies in measurement tools and study designs, underlining the need for more standardized approaches to refine future research in JD-R and psychological capital dynamics.

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