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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Characterizing Kerabu as an Effort to Sustaining the Malay Heritage Dish in Malaysia

Muhammad Qadri Mat Husin, Mohd Nazri Abdul Raji, Mohd Yusof Kamaruzaman, Shahrim Ab. Karim, Kalsum Umar, Mohd Amirul Hussain

Open access

Edible local plants have been utilized by Malaysian communities in the preparation of traditional kerabu dishes. Kerabu is predominantly associated with the Malays within Malaysian communities and is recognized as a unique culinary heritage, distinguished by its dynamic taste profiles, preparation methods and presentation. However, the knowledge regarding of kerabu preparation and the use of local plants as ingredients still insufficiently documented. Therefore, this study aims to document valuable indigenous knowledge related to the regional variations, preparation, key ingredients, and types of kerabu. This study employs qualitative research design and utilizes document analysis as the primary data collection technique. The findings of this study contribute to the enrichment of existing literature on food culture, particularly in the context of traditional Malay cuisine.

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