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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

A Systematic Review of Flipped Classroom Approach in Improving Writing Skills of Primary Mainstream Students

Aghelya Chitambram, Nurhasmiza Abu Hasan Sazalli

Open access

This systematic review investigates the impact of the flipped classroom approach in strengthening writing skills of primary mainstream students. By analysing existing research, we assess how this approach impact various writing components such as fluency, grammar, vocabulary, and overall writing quality. The review identified common trends, methodological gaps, and areas for future investigation from both quantitative and qualitative studies. The analysis intends to propose evidence-based recommendations for ESL teachers deliberating the utilization of flipped classroom strategies to boost primary students' writing capabilities. The findings highlight the potential strengths and barriers of this approach, providing valuable insights for researchers and educators striving to enhance writing skills in primary schools.

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